Interested in Trying Pilates?

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that can be performed with or without equipment. Using breath and movement Pilates enhances strength, coordination and balance while offering techniques to support your posture and mobility.



Learning with Natalie has been informative every step of the way leaving me with techniques that will stay with me for life. My body felt results after the first class and has been feeling great and noticeably missing the bodywork if I don’t do two classes a week. Natalie shares her knowledge with a calm professional manner, her teaching is easy to understand and practice for all levels.


Natalie’s instructions were very clear and I felt I could do the moves based solely on her directions without having to look at the screen. I also felt like I got a really good workout. Can’t wait for our next session!


Do your plie’s while waiting for the kettle to boil’. Nat’s advice to me when lamenting I wasn’t practicing enough between classes. This reminded me how Pilates is movement and movement is life. Pilates has changed my life by changing the way I move, in and out of exercise. I’ve always been powerful and pliable but have new found strength in my flexibility and flexibility in my strength. Thanks to Nat’s instruction and corrections, I am holding my head high, my shoulders back and my stomach in, sometimes without even thinking about it. I ache after every class and still look forward to the next! Thank you!


Natalie’s approach is what I love most. She takes the time to listen to her clients to hear what they’d like to work on, develop a class to suit their needs and then during the class she pays very close attention to how they’re handling the poses she’s doing. She’s not afraid to push a little and but if she sees that you’re truly struggling, she’ll alter things immediately and remind us to be gentle on ourselves. it’s the perfect blend. I always feel so very supported by Natalie when she’s teaching me. That’s the best thing a student can hope for in a teacher.


I have been working with Natalie for over three years and always look forward to our weekly Pilates sessions. During the course of our work together, I have seen a notable increase in my flexibility, core strength and overall sense of well-being, and a decrease in injuries and general body pains. Natalie has an amazing ability to zero in on any problem areas in my body and help resolve the issues before they become chronic. Through Pilates I have gained a greater connection to my body and an overall sense of grounding and presence. I particularly enjoy the lightness and sense of play and discovery that I experience in my sessions. Find Andrew @aj_barker.


I’ve attended Pilates with Natalie for the past 3 years both in-person and on Zoom.  It is always a good stretch, an hour to work on my body and a time to let my mind escape the job life. Natalie keeps our classes fresh and engaging, making the exercises more challenging as I develop. My Pilates practice works all the under-muscles that really make a difference as I age. Core strength.  I didn’t know I had it until I could do a sit up from laying flat on my back!


I started taking a combination of private and group classes with Natalie about three months ago.

I am naturally a very flexible person but have issues with my joints – my ankles and shoulders predominantly, born out of my hyper mobility and tendency to overdo it. I have had multiple dislocations and sprains over many years leading to unhealthy coping adjustments in my posture and movement.

Natalie has worked with me to build strength around my vulnerable joints, increase my balance, and my confidence in movement. I have been learning to be more mindful in my movement and strengthen my vulnerable areas rather than trust just my flexibility to deal with it.

Natalie is knowledgeable, patient and thorough, and has not only helped me build strength and confidence in areas that were worrying for me, but I also have more core strength and better abs than at any time in the last 30 years. Which at 55 is pretty cool.